Saturday, November 1, 2008


Can we share our favorite breakfasts? I love breakfast. I look forward to getting up every morning and having it. It's almost as satisfying as dessert. Here is how I make oatmeal. I am curious as to how other people make oatmeal and other simple breakfast meals.
Take one cup of old fashioned oats and one cup of light soymilk and put it in a Pyrex bowl. Add a small handful of raisins. Cook in microwave for 6 minutes. Top with ground flaxseed and organic cinnamon applesauce. I give Alex about a third of this and eat two thirds of it myself.


Linsey said...

Adam always makes the oats, so its been awhile. But I think we boil 3 cups water with a big pinch of salt. When boiling, add 2 cups thick-cut oats. Boil until cooked - maybe 7 minutes or so. This is enough for three generous servings with some left over.

We like our oats more rice-like and chewy in texture than mushy. If you like you oats more oat-meal like, you can add the oats to the cold water.

Adam eats his plain with salt, chopped almonds and apples. Hugo like some maple syrup and chopped apple. I like chopped apple, almonds, cinnamon, salt and a small bit of syrup or brown sugar. When I can't talk myself out of it, a little butter is super yummy.

Linsey said...

But what I almost always have for breakfast is two eggs either fried or scrambled with a large amount of veggies - often chard, peppers, broccoli, tomatoes or some other green. Served with toast or corn tortillas and salsa. Sometimes with cheese or avocado. I've got it down to an art, and it usually only takes me 5 minutes to make eggs and veggies for everyone.

On the weekends we often eat veggie-eggs and cornbread or homefries.

Dawn D. Lion said...

I love oatmeal with molasses, whole milk, bananas, raisins, and walnuts. Or chopped dried figs are awesome in oats, too. I like to make oatmeal a big, yummy production.
My favorite thing to make for breakfast is pancakes. With bananas and chocolate chips. ;)
Also, I wouldn't turn down bacon, eggs, and homefries. Or all of the above in a breakfast taco with hot sauce.
Basically, I'm with you, I love breakfast.

2WeeMonsters said...

I'm a big fan of breakfast around here, too. I'm thinking about making our holiday meals mostly festive breakfasts! I usually make either oatmeal with chopped apples or raisins or dried apricots and cinnamon, some maple syrup (the real stuff) and sometimes a tablespoon of peanut butter.

Or I make scrambled eggs with cheese and a couple veggies (especially love avocado & chopped peppers & onions). I really like this wrapped in a tortilla with peach mango salsa. Mmmmm.

Observer said...

These breakfasts sound so good! How do you put cheese into your eggs? I have tried beating shredded cheese in a bowl with eggs and milk and then scrambling the eggs but I find that the cheese burns or gets rubbery that way. Or do you just put the cheese on top after scrambling the eggs? Linsey, butter on oatmeal sounds really weird to me. Is that a regional thing? I have never heard of doing that. Can you post your tortilla recipe at some point?

Linsey said...

I don;t know about the butter. I never once had oatmeal in my life until I started cooking it myself. I figured people put butter on grits and rice..... I hate unmelted cheese on eggs - I always add it at near the end of cooking and cover the eggs until its all melty.

2WeeMonsters said...

Butter on oatmeal is pretty common around our house too. It's yummy :)

Eggs & cheese: I usually crack the eggs into a warm pan, pour a bit of milk in, scramble with a fork, toss some grated/shredded cheese in and keep cooking over medium heat til the eggs are *just* cooked through. I like them to be a bit on the soft side. I've never had problems with it getting rubbery since I started cooking them lower & slower.