Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sourdough crepes, with buckwheat

This makes crepes even more awesome. And making a batch of savory crepes with a bit of cheese and whatever's quick from the garden or farm box makes this the perfect summer or seasonal food.

1 1/4 cups whole milk
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
1 cup sourdough starter
3 large eggs (or 4 if you won't be resting the batter for a long while)

Beat all the ingredients together until soupy. You can then chill for a couple hours or just start frying up. (I tend to cook them right away).

My favorite way to make crepes for dinner is to make a savory saute of something from the backyard garden (e.g. greens with onion and a touch of tomato sauce) and cook that in the middle with a bit of cheese. If and only if those get eaten, then we might have something sweet for round two.

More detailed stuff about crepes here

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