Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Kids-can-make pancakes

I haven't posted much here lately, mostly because I really don;t follow recipes. However, Hugo and I have been having such great success and fun with these pancakes, I wanted to share. The "recipe" is flexible enough that Hugo can almost make them with just verbal direction. Awesome! Not measuring things carefully really cuts down on prep time and makes these pancakes something that we make at least once a week before adam and hugo leave for the day.

All measurements are approximate and *heaping*. We usually use a single dry measuring cup and a tea-spoon or small cereal spoon.

1 cup whole wheat flour (right now we have whole wheat white which works really well)
1 cup fine-ground corn meal
1 tsp baking powder
half of that of baking soda and also salt

2 eggs
1-3 cups liquid (milk, soymilk, yogurt, etc) (everyone likes a different thickness. You will have to add water if you use thick yogurt)

Apple cider vinegar (you will need a couple cap-fuls if you are not using a sour liquid like yogurt or buttermilk
Dollop of oil
smaller dollop of honey

Banana slices, nut, chocolate chips, berries (we usually use frozen blueberries) or whatever, however much you want.

Mix dry
Add wet
Add fruit

Cook like a normal pancake, although since they are whole grain, a slower, slightly cooler pan works better, I think.

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