Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strawberry water

This is what I'm doing with some of the berries we picked at the farm today.

--a little more than 1 cup whole strawberries, hulled and damaged sections removed
--about 1 1/2 c sugar
--about 6 cups water

Dissolve sugar in water over low heat. Once dissolved, bring to boiling, and add the berries. Cover and turn off heat. Let sit for at least one hour.

Strain though cheese cloth until all liquid has been drained. Do not press the pulp; just let it drip.
The recipe says that the pulp is tasty to eat. I might mix it with yogurt.

Chill the water and enjoy!


Heather M. said...

OOOOOO, it's very sweet. I think next time I'll use less sugar. It would be great with carbonated water.

2WeeMonsters said...

mmm, sounds good. I think Daniel would love it if I made him some strawberry soda! Maybe I'll try to sweeten it with honey instead of sugar! Hmmm... I'll report back!