Friday, October 24, 2008

Stand-by Stir-fry

(this is a use-up-what's-in-the-fridge recipe, the only constant being the sauce it's cooked in)

1/2c soy sauce/tamari
1/4c rice wine vinegar
2Tbs-1/4 toasted sesame oil
ginger to taste
garlic to taste
(if I'm using meat and thinking ahead (not often!!) sometimes I will mix the sauce and marinate the meat.)

Prepare all veggies & any meat (some favorites: carrots, broccoli, grean/pole beans, squash, collards, bok choy, cabbage, peas, turnip greens, mustard greens... beef or chicken or none at all)

Heat oil. toss in a pinch of mustard seeds and some pepper flakes (if you like spicy) & maybe some whole cumin if you feel like it. As soon as they start to change color, add your meat, then veggies (from longest cooking to quickest). Pour the sauce over and cook a few minutes. Serve over brown rice.

1 comment:

Observer said...

I made this sauce tonight and it was awesome with chicken, broccoli, and Japanese eggplant. I've made good stir fries before but none of them are so easy and with so few ingredients. I used garlic/ginger paste so that meant only 4 ingredients. Alex actually ate a few pieces of the eggplant in this sauce, quite amazingly and William loved it with rice.